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LUTEIN 160tabs


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LUTEIN 160tabs - for healthy eyes

How does it work?

In recent years there has been a sharp increase in eye disease. AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and cataracts (lens haze) affect a large percentage of the population. With AMD, the reading ability and the sharpness of vision diminish and you become stiff? "Lutein can save our vision by acting shielding and helping to absorb harmful UVB light. Although everyone's vision can improve due to a lutein-rich diet, this diet can really save the sight of people who have a genetic history of macular degeneration and other problems related to loss of vision. If some of your family suffers from loss of vision, your lutein-rich diet should begin before you reach middle age. The daily intake of 20 mg. lutein per day reduces your chance of getting older vision problems by 43%. For this reason, Dr. Toshkov advises: "Everyone over 50 should accept lutein supplements." If you already have vision problems, a lutein-rich diet may still help save your eyesight by increasing the layer of macular pigment in your eyes. The complex of bioflavonoids of cranberry and vitamin C routine helps reinforce the walls of the vessels, improve the blood supply to the eyes, reduce the risk of bleeding and normalize the intraocular pressure.

How and how much can be taken?

Recommended daily dose: 2 * 1 tab. daily after meal. The product is taken for a long time - at least 6 months.


  • Lecitin
  • Berries
  • Lutein
  • Crataegus
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Ginko biloba
  • inulin


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