Velevi Pharma GERISSAN CHERRY SYRUP x100ml
Velevi Pharma GERISSAN CHERRY SYRUP x100ml.
GERISSAN CHERRY SYRUP x100ml Apart from some individual successes in vaccine use, mankind does not dispose of yet with sufficient reliable and universal means for combating viral infections.
GERISSAN CHERRY SYRUP x100ml Apart from some individual successes in vaccine use, mankind does not dispose yet with sufficient reliable and universal means for combating viral infections.
Many Bulgarian scientists have studied medicinal plants from our geographic region as regards to their antiviral effect. The carried out virology studies initially have had screening character. The development of molecular biology and virology revealed new horizons in the knowledge of viral reproduction and of course of the ways of it being influenced.
Blood geranium rhizome extract (Extr. Rhizoma Geranii Sanguinei) - 75 mg;
Sugar - 3.03 g.
Children from 1 to 3 years - 1 teaspoon daily;
Children from 4 to 8 years - 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day;
Children from 9 to 11 years - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.